Services Available for Families
Parental consultation - 1 hour
We will arrange a mutually convenient time and place either face to face or online to meet and hear your story, listen to your concerns and difficulties you are experiencing. I will then give you quality, personalised advice and next steps which will empower you to continue your journey with SEN services, school or home life.
Training on disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia etc.
If you've recently got a child with a new diagnosis and want to understand what is associated with that we can provide bespoke training for parents and families.
Support managing anxiety
We work one to one with many children helping them to understand their anxiety and giving them the strategies and tools to better regulate their anxiety.
Support for increasing self-esteem
If your child lacks confidence and resilience I can work one to one with them looking at themselves, creating mantras and giving them strategies to feel more confident.
Use of visuals in the home
Having visuals for a child with special educational needs is often key in supporting understanding, Communication, reducing anxiety, supporting behavior management, emotional regulation and beyond. We can create and support their use of visual cues, timetable / routines, choice boards personalised social stories and much more.
Small group tuition
I have been doing private tuition for many years working with children who need that extra bit of support or are home educated mainly, but not exclusively, within English and maths. I have tutored children who have a variety of difficulties including dyslexia, adhd and ASD just to mention a few.
If you are considering applying for a needs assessment I can carry out comprehensive English assessments, phonics battery assessment or an understanding assessment.
If you think your child may have dyslexia but are unsure whether it's worth paying hundreds of pounds for a dyslexia assessment I can carry out a comprehensive dyslexic screening which will give you a level of severity from A to E so you then can decide if you wish to proceed with a full dyslexic assessment elsewhere.
Maybe your child has had an assessment with a speech and language therapist and they have been given activities and exercises to do at home but you are unsure where to start. I am able to carry out the speech and language programs set by therapists.
I can provide support learning Mackaton to support communication for and with your child or use of visuals such as PECS.
*Please note I am not a qualified Makaton or PECS trainer, however I have received training in both areas and have used it extensively with pupils I have supported in school.
Support in managing and regulating emotions
I offer small group or one-to-one support for children in recognising and managing their emotions.
This will then be paired up with training for parents to ensure understanding, correct use of language and consistency.
Social skills
We offer one-to-one or small group sessions providing strategies, looking at different social rules and situations in a neurodivergent affirming way focusing on conecting and building relationships.
Training for parents in supporting emotional regulation and the behaviour that comes with that.
This training is best when paired with one-to-one or small group support for your child on recognising and regulating their emotions.
This training will give you usable strategies and resources to support your child in recognising and managing their emotions and behaviour.
Understanding your diagnosis
Once receiving a diagnosis for some this can just be the start of their journey. Some children and young people can struggle to know what it means to them. By looking at the nature of the diagnosis and how is affects them they can begin to understand, learn strategies and look at it in a positive way.
Licensed Thrive practitioner
If your child is struggling to regulate their emotions or settle to learn then Thrive maybe the answer.Thrive is an evidence-based intervention created by looking at child development, neuroscience comma attachment theory and the arts.
These sessions are carried out one to one or in small groups.
Trauma Informed Understanding behaviour and fostering emotional wellbeing for parents/carers
Attendees will gain an understanding of how the brain and bodies stress regulation system works. How trauma/stress affects behaviour and emotional wellbeing.
Practical skills to support and improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of their child/young person.